366 Midair Collision at Reagan National – Tragedy Over the Potomac

Max discusses the tragic midair collision at Reagan National Airport between a PSA Airlines CRJ700 regional jet and a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter. The midair crash over the Potomac River was captured by a Kennedy Center webcam.

The accident, captured by a Kennedy Center webcam, showed the aircraft’s lights merging before a fiery explosion over the Potomac River. Initial reports mistakenly suggested that a jet had overrun the runway and entered the water, but later evidence confirmed the midair collision.

To analyze the event, Max reviews ATC audio and flight tracks from ADSBExchange. While the full accident report will take time, early indicators suggest that the Army helicopter failed to follow ATC instructions to pass behind the regional jet before landing on Runway 33. Instead, it ended up in the same airspace as the descending airliner, leading to the collision. Midair accidents involving airliners are extremely rare, but when they do occur, they often result in regulatory changes.

Trescott draws historical parallels to the 1978 PSA Flight 182 collision over San Diego, which led to the creation of Class B airspace and Mode C transponder requirements. He notes the irony that the involved airline, PSA Airlines, shares a name with the defunct carrier from the San Diego crash but is now a subsidiary of American Airlines.

Flight 5342 was on the Mount Vernon Visual Approach to Runway 01, following the Potomac River. The Black Hawk helicopter, PAT25, was also navigating along the river but from the northwest, flying erratically between 200 and 800 feet before leveling at 300 feet near the airport. The regional jet, descending steadily, turned northeast before crossing the river to land on Runway 33 at around 330 feet MSL.

The midair impact occurred about 0.4 nautical miles from the runway, with Flight 5342 traveling at 106 knots and the Black Hawk at 71 knots. At 12 seconds before impact, the two aircraft were on a near head-on collision course, just 0.6 nautical miles apart. ADSBExchange reported that the helicopter was not transmitting ADS-B Out, a requirement in Class B airspace (though military exemptions may apply). Instead, its position was tracked through multilateration from Mode S transponders. This means the helicopter likely appeared on the airline crew’s traffic display, but they might have relied on TCAS alerts instead—unfortunately, those alerts are inhibited at low altitudes.

According to FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-151A, TCAS alerts are suppressed below 900 feet AGL while descending, and below 400 feet, all aural and visual traffic advisories (TAs) are completely disabled. The crash occurred at around 330 feet MSL, meaning Flight 5342’s TCAS system did not warn the pilots of the impending collision.

Max then plays ATC recordings, highlighting crucial moments in the last few minutes. The tower instructed the Army helicopter to maintain visual separation from the airliner, but it appears the crew misidentified the aircraft they were supposed to follow. This raises the possibility of nighttime perception errors, where pilots can see another aircraft’s lights but struggle to judge its position and motion due to lack of depth perception, relative motion cues, and the autokinesis effect.

Trescott shares his own experience from a similar situation while landing a Vision Jet at night. Despite ATC’s assurances that a following aircraft had him in sight, his traffic display showed a collision course. Only after he insisted did the controller order the other aircraft to widen its approach.

The episode also references Prof. James Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model, which explains how multiple layers of defense exist in aviation, but sometimes the holes in each layer align, leading to an accident. In this case, multiple failures occurred:

  1. The Army crew did not follow ATC instructions.
  2. Both crews failed to see and avoid each other.
  3. The helicopter was not transmitting ADS-B Out.
  4. TCAS alerts were inhibited due to low altitude.
  5. The tower did not warn the airliner about the helicopter.
  6. A reported FAA radar screen showed collision alerts 30 seconds before impact, but no action was taken.

There will be extensive investigations, regulatory discussions, and likely new safety measures to prevent similar accidents. Max encourages pilots to use all available tools, including traffic displays with relative vectors, to enhance situational awareness—especially at night when visual perception is limited.

Listeners interested in learning more about midair collision avoidance are directed to episode 109 of Aviation News Talk. The episode closes with a reminder to always fly defensively and proactively avoid conflicts in the air.

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Buy Max Trescott’s G1000 Book Call 800-247-6553
Buy Max Trescott’s G3000 Book Call 800-247-6553
ADSBExchange.com Flight Tracks for midair collision
#109 Avoiding Midair and Near Midair Collisions

Free Index to the first 282 episodes of Aviation New Talk

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“Go Around” song used by permission of Ken Dravis; you can buy his music at kendravis.com

If you purchase a product through a link on our site, we may receive compensation.

283 Wings to Rotors: How you can start now to add a helicopter rating to your pilot certificate + GA News

283 Wings to Rotors: How you can start now to add a helicopter rating to your pilot certificate + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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283 Max talks about his experience getting a helicopter add-on rating, and how you can do it too. The FAA allows a fixed wing pilot to add-on a helicopter rating with 30 hours of helicopter time. For someone without a pilot certificate, they’ll need a minimum of 40 hours of time. The add-on helicopter checkride for a pilot is relatively short compared to the checkride a non-pilot would have to do.

News Stories

Mentioned on the Show
#142 iPad Incidents with Flying Magazine’s Rob Mark
Cessna 182 Hot Weather Operations Supplement 19
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge free PDF
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge printed version
Soaring Discovery Day for Youth, Warren, VT

Learning to Fly a Helicopter
#165 How to get a Helicopter License and a Job Flying Helicopters
Specialized Aviation in Hayward and Watsonville, CA
Robinson Flight Training Guide
Robinson R44 POH
Robinson R44 Cadet POH
Robinson R22 POH
FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook
FAA Helicopter Private PTS
FAA Helicopter Commercial PTS
Helicopter Lessons in 10 Minutes or Less
#276 How to Record Your in-Cockpit Audio

Check Out Lightspeed’s ANR Headsets
Lightspeed Delta Zulu Headset $1099
Lightspeed Zulu 3 Headset $899
Lightspeed Sierra Headset $699
My Review on the Lightspeed Delta Zulu

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
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Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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“Go Around” song used by permission of Ken Dravis; you can buy his music at kendravis.com

If you purchase a product through a link on our site, we may receive compensation.

275 What Fixed Wing Pilots Need to Know about Helicopters + GA News

275 What Fixed Wing Pilots Need to Know about Helicopters + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Aviation News Talk is a listener supported show. So if you listen, please sign up and join the club to support the show! Make a monthly donation via Patreon and get various goodies, or make a one time donation at PayPal.

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275 Max talks about things fixed wing pilots should know about helicopters including their rotor downwash and wake turbulence, and how far away pilot should stay away from hovering and departing helicopters. He also talks about the Robinson Safety Notice, which says that airplane pilots are at high risk when flying helicopters. He also discusses regulations that differ for helicopters.

News Stories

Mentioned on the Show
American Bonanza Society
Tom Turner’s Mastery Flight website
Tough flight instructors are worth it… most of the time
#165 How to get a Helicopter License and a Job Flying Helicopters
Lone Star Helicopter website

Check Out Lightspeed’s ANR Headsets
Lightspeed Delta Zulu Headset $1099
Lightspeed Zulu 3 Headset $899
Lightspeed Sierra Headset $699
My Review on the Lightspeed Delta Zulu

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourselfYes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

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Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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“Go Around” song used by permission of Ken Dravis; you can buy his music at kendravis.com

If you purchase a product through a link on our site, we may receive compensation.

272 Spatial Disorientation and SOPs: Analyzing Three Recent Accidents

272 Spatial Disorientation and SOPs: Analyzing Three Recent Accidents

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Aviation News Talk is a listener supported show. So if you listen, please sign up and join the club to support the show! Make a monthly donation via Patreon and get various goodies, or make a one time donation at PayPal.

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272 Max talks about three recent accidents, all of which should have been avoidable. Interestingly, two of them involve helicopters, and yet the lessons we can learn from them apply directly to fixed wing pilots as well. Two of the three accidents involve failure to follow standard operating procedures, and two of them appear to include spatial disorientation.

Mentioned in the Show
Episode 13 – Hot prop dangers, how Magnetos Work
Episode 161 – Kobe Bryant Crash Update
Episode 177 – Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash Explained

Videos Mentioned in the Show
R44 Hog Hunting Helicopter Crash Video

Check Out Lightspeed’s ANR Headsets
Lightspeed Delta Zulu Headset $1099
Lightspeed Zulu 3 Headset $899
Lightspeed Sierra Headset $699
My Review on the Lightspeed Delta Zulu

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourselfYes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

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Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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“Go Around” song used by permission of Ken Dravis; you can buy his music at kendravis.com

If you purchase a product through a link on our site, we may receive compensation.

206 Helicopter Wake Vortex Accidents and Incidents + GA News

206 Helicopter Wake Vortex Accidents and Incidents + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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206 Max talks about airplane accidents caused by helicopter vortices. Pilots should exercise extreme caution near helicopters, especially at low altitudes. Although these kinds of accidents aren’t really common, there is about one accident per year. It appears helicopters may churn up air in all directions, and that the location of their wakes may not be quite as predictable of those from airplanes.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
Fuel Contamination: Cessna C550 Citation
2nd story on Cessna C550 Citation incident
DEF Fuel Contamination Incident
84-year-old former pilot with Parkinson’s Flies Again
KC-135 and Cows Accident Beale AFB
Photo of Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker Accident

Videos Mentioned
Human factors for pilots – Situational awareness
Lake Eyre Seaplane Incident – Searey pilot
Helicopter Wake Turbulence affects C172 on Takeoff

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

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Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

177 Final NTSB Report: Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash Explained & What Pilots Can Learn from It

177 Final NTSB Report: Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash Explained & What Pilots Can Learn from It

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

177 Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash explained and what GA pilots can Learn from It. Max plays clips from the 4-hour NTSB Board meeting on Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash. The pilot’s decision to continue flight under VFR and into IMC resulted in the pilot’s spatial disorientation and loss of control. The pilot’s likely self-induced pressure and plan continue continuation bias were also factors.

Mentioned in the Show
NTSB Calabasas, CA Helicopter Crash B-Roll
NTSB Investigative Webpage
Additional investigation-related images
NTSB: Abstract of the Final Report
NTSB Board Meeting: Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash
NTSB: Links to the accident docket and other publicly released information
Risk Factors Associated with Weather-Related General Aviation Accidents

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

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Social Media
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Aviation News Talk podcast’s YouTube channel

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

165 How to get a Helicopter License and a Job Flying Helicopters + GA News

165 How to get a Helicopter License and a Job Flying Helicopters + GA News

165 Max talks with Steve Bush, owner of Lone Star Helicopters, about FAA requirements for a Private helicopter certificate and the typical hours required. Steve also talks about the different types of helicopters used in the training and their typical cost. He also talks about the current strong market for helicopter pilots, and typical number of hours needed to qualify for different helicopter jobs.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
FAA Grants and Scholarships page
Pilot on wrong frequency NTSB Report
Oral Exam Guide: Airline Transport Pilot
Lone Star Helicopter website

Videos Mention in the Show
Helicopter Tour over Downtown Austin, TX
Lone Star Helicopter – Getting a Helicopter Certificate

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

Get Max Trescott’s G1000 and Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook, now in its Fifth edition. Call 800-247-6553 to order.

Social Media
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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

137 Kobe Bryant Crash, Special VFR, More IFR Challenges + GA News

137 Kobe Bryant Crash, Special VFR, More IFR Challenges + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20, SR22 or SF50 Vision Jet. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

137 Max talks about risks associated with flying Special VFR and offers guidelines who when not to do it and about regulations for Special VFR, for pilots and controllers. He’s also talks about why Kobe Bryant’s helicopter wasn’t flying IFR when it crashed. He also talks about some recent IFR challenges flying a Cirrus Vision Jet on an arrival into Salt Lake and into Hawthorne, CA.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
Superior, Wisconsin Airport
Cirrus SR22 Fuselage Damaged During Crash
After The Accident: A Single Pilot Was Not Enough
Crash of a Cessna 500 Citation in Marietta, GA
Why Upset Training Just Doesn’t Work
Southern California Airspace Users Working Group

YouTube Videos Mentions
Student Video: Tuskegee Airmen
Video: JoAnn & Sandy Hill

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

Get Max Trescott’s G1000 and Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook, now in its Fifth edition. Call 800-247-6553 to order.

Social Media
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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

74 Red Bull Helicopter Aerobatics Air Show Performer – Aaron Fitzgerald Live Interview

74 Red Bull Helicopter Aerobatics Air Show Performer – Aaron Fitzgerald Live Interview

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Max talks with Aaron Fitzgerald at AirVenture about how he got inspired as a child to fly helicopters, and how he came to fly aerobatics for the Red Bull Air Force. After serving as a paratrooper in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division he began flight training in 1994. Next he began flying news helicopters in Los Angeles. Today, he’s CEO of Airborne Images, and he has over 8,500 flight hours. He’s worked all over North America on over 100 film and television projects. He recently joined the Red Bull team flying aerobatics in a helicopter and his debut air show was earlier this week at AirVenture.

Question of the Month

Send us your audio recordings by August 12, 2018 answering this question: What did you learn after you got  your private pilot certificate that you wished you learned while working on your private certificate? Click here to record  your answer. 

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts  in the Blog section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

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Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

56 ATC Visual Separation for Private Pilots Explained, NTSB Report on NYC Helicopter Accident + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

Max talks in detail about visual separation, the responsibility pilots assume when they agree to maintain visual separation, and methods they can use for avoiding other aircraft. The NTSB preliminary report reveals more on that NYC helicopter crash that killed five passengers. A listener asks about when to switch from ground to tower at a towered airport, another listener asks about simulating an AHRS failure in a Garmin G1000 equipped aircraft, and another listener ask what exactly controllers mean when they say to enter on a 2-mile base.

Click here for the current listener survey. Tell us about the aviation headset you use most, what you like and dislike about it, and if you’re planning to buy a new headset.

Please visit my new Patreon page and make a contribution to help me with my goal of improving the AviationNewsTalk.com website.

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Mentioned in the Show
Aviation New Talk featured by Libsyn, world’s largest podcast host

Lincoln Laboratory ATC-258 on Terminal Area Separation Standards

Live Stream of Max giving Landing Lesson on Facebook Live

Sectional wall map with current weather

Garmin Guidance to DPEs and CFIs

News Stories