Max reads a number of listeners stories and emails from listeners. Several of the stories are in response to #328, in which we talked about a tragic aviation accident involving a CFI who purchased his dream airplane, a Piper Twin Comanche, and crashed it on the way home.
Bill commented on the FAA reauthorization bill discussed in episode 329. He pointed out that historically, only a small fraction of initiatives from previous reauthorization bills are completed on time, with many never completed at all.
John asked about the proper method for rotating a prop by hand. Max explained that the primary goal is to prevent the prop from accidentally starting, which could happen if the mag key is not in the off position or if a P lead is broken. He emphasized turning the prop in the opposite direction of its normal rotation to avoid generating a spark, which could cause the engine to start.
Sam praised episode 328 but expressed concerns about the insurance checkout the accident pilot received.
Steven shared his experience of buying a Twin Comanche 30 years ago and the benefits of joining the International Comanche Society (ICS). He highlighted how the ICS training and publications helped him handle a gear issue shortly after purchasing his plane. Steven recommended all Comanche owners join the ICS to gain valuable knowledge about their aircraft. He also mentioned an incident where a new Comanche owner misunderstood the gear light dimming at night, underscoring the importance of specific training and publications.
Stefan shared his standard procedure for dealing with gear problems, which includes informing ATC, engaging the autopilot, and then troubleshooting.
John, nearing 61 years old, inquired about starting flight training and the potential hurdles, especially regarding medical certification and medications.
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Mentioned on the Show
#328 Crash on the way home of newly purchased Piper Twin Comance
International Comanche Society
FAA AME Guide for Medical Examiners
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