205 Cessna and Cirrus Seat Rail Incidents and Accidents + GA News

205 Cessna and Cirrus Seat Rail Incidents and Accidents + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

205 Max talks about Seat Rail accidents that have occurred in Cessna and Cirrus aircraft. Also, a video recording from a pilot made minutes after he pulled the parachute in his Lancair over a forest in Oregon last week. You’ll also hear the ATC audio from a San Diego plane crash that killed two people last week; the pilot appears to have lost situation awareness.

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Videos Mentioned
Lancair Pilot’s Video after pulling parachute

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

188 Nine Lessons from Cirrus Midair Collision over Denver

188 Nine Lessons from Cirrus Midair Collision over Denver

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

188 Max talks with pilot Eric Gundersen, who created a video that shows some of the factors that led to a midair collision between a Cirrus SR22 and a Metroliner at Centennial airport in Colorado. The factors identified could apply to any aircraft type and serve as a cautionary tale for all pilots. Here’s a summary of Max’s 9 Lessons Pilots can Learn from the Cirrus midair plus a tenth lesson for Cirrus pilots:

  1. Fly the correct pattern speeds
  2. Faster speeds require steeper bank angles
  3. Autopilots don’t bank steeply enough for use in the pattern
  4. Get comfortable with 30 degree banks in the pattern
  5. Don’t overshoot the final, but if you do, consider going around.
  6. Refer to a traffic system to identify pattern traffic
  7. If in doubt, start your turn early
  8. Use G1000 and Perspective Track Vectors to eliminate overshoot
  9. Don’t Get Distracted
  10. Bring a parachute

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook

Mentioned in the Show
Erik Gundersen’s video with ground track and ATC audio
How to Avoid Midair Collisions Episode #109
Air Force Pilot Crash in Cirrus SR22 Episode #99
SR22 Crash into House in Southern California Episode #130

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

103 Cirrus CAPS Parachute Pull over the Caribbean – Interview Ed Regensburg

103 Cirrus CAPS Parachute Pull over the Caribbean – Interview Ed Regensburg

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

On March 5, 2019, two pilots flying a Cirrus SR22 noticed oil pressure dropping rapidly, and soon after, the engine quit. They turned toward land 30 miles away and pulled the airplane’s CAPS parachute. They deployed their raft, which flipped over in eight to ten foot swells. The pilot dived out to right the raft and both men got aboard. But they had no idea who might be coming to rescue them.

Thirty minutes later, a US Coast Guard plane appeared flying a search pattern looking for the men. They tried to use the two flares to signal the plane, but both flares failed to ignite. As the plane flew away in the distance, they didn’t know if they’d been seen.

One of the pilots got sick in the rough seas and began throwing up over the side. About two hours later, the other pilot spotted a ship in the distance. Both men wondered would the ship see them. And if it didn’t, would it accidentally run them over?

Princess Cruises’ Regal Princess was sailing towards St. Thomas, when the US Coast Guard requested that they reverse course to search for the men. The Regal Princess is twenty stories high and was easy for the pilots to spot miles away, but by contrast, they were just a small dot that rose and fell among the waves and white caps.

The pilots Ed Regensburg and Dan Tucker were eventually spotted and brought aboard the cruise ship. In this podcast, Ed Regensburg describe the entire experience from when he first spotted the low oil pressure warning until they were home again in Greensboro, NC.

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

96 Cirrus Vision Jet G2 Features, Specs and Price – Interview with Matt Bergwall

96 Cirrus Vision Jet G2 Features, Specs and Price – Interview with Matt Bergwall

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

96 The Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet G2 was just announced and Cirrus Product Manager Matt Bergwall tells us what’s new with this amazing jet. He talks about the higher speed and service ceiling, product pricing, and options. Also there are changes to the cabin, including noise reduction and new seating configurations. The Vision Jet is unique in that it’s the only jet with a whole airframe parachute.

Mentioned in the Show
Cirrus Aircraft

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

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Please Take our 2019 Social Media Survey. I’d love to understand how you use, or don’t use, social media, so I can target social media posts and advertising for Aviation News Talk to other people similar to you.

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Private Pilot Tips for Traffic Patterns, Cirrus Crash, ATC Privatization, and Air Canada Near Miss Update + GA News

We talk about flying the traffic pattern, and talk in detail about flying a Cessna 172 in the traffic pattern. For example, many people don’t know the exact meaning of “Make Right Traffic.” It means, fly to a position where you can enter the traffic pattern on the 45, then turn to downwind and fly the traffic pattern. It doesn’t mean to enter on the downwind. And of course you should be at pattern altitude when you’re on the 45. We also talk about doing a forward slip in a Cessna 172 and use of flaps during crosswind landings.

Air Canada flight 759 had a near miss last week, when it inadvertently lined up to land on a taxiway instead of on the runway. We talk about how confirmation bias may have contributed to the lack of awareness that the Air Canada pilots had about their situation.

We also talk about a recent fatal Cirrus SR22 crash in Sonoma, California, and the importance of never pulling the parachute below 400 feet, as it will most likely make things worse! I give details about a recent flight I took from El Paso, Texas to Concord, CA with the new owner of a Cessna 206. We postponed the trip because of a heat wave 3 weeks ago.

Plus listener questions about using flaps during crosswind landings and whether you can fly if you’re legally using medical marijuana.

Click here for the survey. Tell us which plane you fly most often. Please visit my new Patreon page and help me with my goal of funding the creation of two apps for my show, one for Apple and one for Google Play, so that non-techie pilots can find the show in the app store.

You can Dictate a listener question from your phone and I’ll try to answer it on a future show, or send an email.

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