197 How to Lean for Takeoff with High Density Altitude + Recent Accidents

197 How to Lean for Takeoff with High Density Altitude + Recent Accidents

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

197 This is a follow up to #196 on Mountain Flying. Most aircraft need to be leaned prior to takeoff in high density altitude. Turbocharged aircraft and older SR20s don’t need leaning. Max discusses many methods of leaning before takeoff. Always start with your POH to see what method it recommends. If it doesn’t recommend a specific method, then you may want to use one of the methods discussed here.

Mentioned in the Show
FAA ATC Controller Job Application – August 2, 2021 deadline
Quantifying the Effects of Humidity on Density Altitude – Embry Riddle
High altitude airport leaning tricks – Steve Ells article
Rod Machado Leaning Video

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

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Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

193 Two SR20 Takeoff Accidents plus Performance Charts with Catherine Cavagnaro + GA News

193 Two SR20 Takeoff Accidents plus Performance Charts with Catherine Cavagnaro + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

193 Max talks with Catherine Cavagnaro about her insights into POH takeoff performance charts. He also talked about two recent SR20 takeoff accidents. One occurred at Truckee Airport, where Max had been twice before in recent weeks, both times in SR20s. The other occurred in Arkansas after a pilot took off with his pitot cover on and did a base to final spin after flying a very low traffic pattern.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
Cirrus SR20 Takeoff Accident at Truckee, CA
Cirrus SR20 Takeoff Accident at Conway, AR
#99 Air Force Pilot Crash in Cirrus SR22
#130 SR22 Crash into House in Southern California
Catherine Cavagnaro YouTube Channel
Catherine Cavagnaro’s Ace Aerobatic School
AOPA Pilot Magazine Articles by Catherine Cavagnaro

Max’s Books – Order online or call 800-247-6553 to order.
Max Trescott’s G3000 and G5000 Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s G1000 & Perspective Glass Cockpit Handbook
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Check out Max’s Online Courses: G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, and Flying WAAS & GPS Approaches. Find them all at: https://www.pilotlearning.com/

Social Media
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Listen to all Aviation News Talk podcasts on YouTube or YouTube Premium

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

150 Getting Back into Flying Safely, Fatal Cirrus SR20 Stall/Spin Accident + GA News

150 Getting Back into Flying Safely, Fatal Cirrus SR20 Stall/Spin Accident + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

Please help support the show with a donation via PayPal or Patreon.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

150 Max talks about a rash of plane crashes in a 2-day period in which pilots lacked proficient. Many of these were landing gear collapses or gear up landings. One was a student pilot who died in a base to final stall/ spin, while on a long cross country flight. DPE Jason Blair talks about how to regain proficiency, making sure your instructor is proficiency, and airplane cleaning protocols for COVID.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
Electric Caravan first flight – Live May 28 Facebook
Electric Caravan first flight – Live May 28 Twitter
COVID-19 Guidance for Flight schools
AOPA Pilot Proficiency Plan
Preliminary Report Student Pilot Aerostar crash
Reckless Flying Caused Fatal T-45C Crash
Student Pilot stall/spin accident in SR20
CFI to CFI newsletter
Doug Stewart’s new IFR Video series

Videos Mentioned in the Show
Drone flies close to Blue Angels

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do.

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Social Media
Like Aviation News Talk podcast on Facebook
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Listen to all Aviation News Talk podcasts on YouTube or YouTube Premium

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

78 Cirrus Owner Pilots Association (COPA) Aircraft Type Club Interview with Roger Whittier

78 Cirrus Owner Pilots Association (COPA) Aircraft Type Club Interview with Roger Whittier

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

Roger Whittier Interview
Max interviews Cirrus Owner and Pilot Association President Roger Whittier about aircraft type clubs, the services supplied by COPA, and the upcoming M16 Cirrus Migration convention in Las Vegas. He also answers a listener question about converting a TKS Cirrus aircraft to FIKI, and converting a normally aspirated Cirrus engine to a turbo charged or normalized one.

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts  in the Blog section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Mentioned in the Show
Cirrus Migration 16 Event – Las Vegas, October 11-14, 2018
COPA Membership Sign up Page
COPA University’s YouTube site

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Cirrus Embark – Free Training for Buyers of Used Cirrus Aircraft – Ivy McIver Interview

Cirrus Aircraft announced a ground breaking new program called Cirrus Embark that provides free, yes absolutely free flight training to buyers of pre-owned Cirrus Aircraft. So if you were to buy a ten-year old Cirrus from someone, you can get up to 3 days of free flight training, paid for by Cirrus! It’s called the Cirrus Embark program, and we interview Ivy McIver, SR Product Line Manager at Cirrus Aircraft to talk about the Embark program.

If you are thinking about buying a new, or late model Cirrus, please contact me now, so that I can give you some tips to help you with your decision process. You can contact me here.

Click here for the survey. Tell us which plane you fly most often. Please visit my new Patreon page and help me with my goal of funding the creation of two apps for my show, one for Apple and one for Google Play, so that non-techie pilots can find the show in the app store.

You can Dictate a listener question from your phone and I’ll try to answer it on a future show, or send an email.