Private Pilot Tips, Flight Training Listener Question, ATC Privatization Update + GA News

Please take the Aviation News Talk podcast July 2017 Listener survey! Click here for the survey. Tell us which plane you fly most often. Please visit my new Patreon page and help me with my goal of funding the creation of two apps for my show, one for Apple and one for Google Play, so that non-techie pilots can find the show in the app store.

You can Dictate a listener question from your phone and I’ll try to answer it on a future show, or send an email.

In this podcast, I pass along over 20 tips for student pilots and private pilots that CFIs thought would be so obvious that they didn’t need to tell their students. Of course they were all obvious in hindsight!  For example, for a first solo, the CFI hops out, the student taxies away, and then flies the around the pattern. You’d think it would be obvious that they need to lock the door after the CFI hops out. But it wasn’t obvious to one student, who had the door open in flight….on his first solo.

Plus listener email: We talk about how to prevent a jet-fuel aircraft, like the DA42 from being accidentally fueled with Avgas, which would destroy the engines. And, someone asks via Twitter, do people usually do flight training in only one type of aircraft when going for a private pilot certificate?


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