363 Buying and Learning to Fly a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet and SOE with Dr. Mark Alford

Max talks with Dr. Mark Alford, who recently transitioned to flying a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet. The conversation spans Mark’s journey with this aircraft, including his purchasing process, training, and supervised operating experience (SOE), while also delving into technical, operational, and personal insights about flying a personal jet.

Aircraft Acquisition and Features
Mark describes purchasing a 2018 SF50 Vision Jet (G1 model), highlighting its appeal due to its manageable learning curve and inclusion of the JetStream service package. This package simplifies maintenance and operational costs by covering annual inspections, training, and most unexpected issues. He praises its predictability in cost and mentions that the previous owner’s purchase of the package for the year was a bonus.

Type Rating Training Experience
Mark recounts his type rating training in Knoxville, emphasizing its rigor and structure. His preparation included studying Cirrus-provided materials, manuals, and Max’s G3000 book. The nine-day course combined extensive ground school with simulator sessions. Mark appreciated the simulator’s realism, which prepared him for real-world challenges. He describes the intensive study schedule, including memorizing critical emergency memory items such as fire-in-flight protocols.

Supervised Operating Experience (SOE)
The supervised operating experience (SOE) was pivotal for Mark to remove his SF50 type rating restriction. Partnering with Max for the 25-hour mentorship, Mark sought diverse experiences, including weather flying, instrument approaches, and mountainous terrain navigation. Their first-day route to Santa Fe, Wichita, and back to Dallas offered a mix of approaches and weather scenarios, including practicing DME arcs, dealing with icing, and night landings.

Learning in Challenging Environments
Mark shares the benefits of navigating complex airspaces, such as Southern California, and landing in varied environments like Eagle County Regional Airport. The Eagle landing required precise RNAV GPS approach management amidst mountainous terrain, and a high-performance departure necessitated careful weight and climb calculations. A minor oversight during a practice climb in Pueblo, where the landing gear remained down longer than intended, underscored the importance of vigilance in nonstandard procedures.

Technical and Operational Mastery
A recurring theme in Mark’s journey is mastering the avionics of the Vision Jet, particularly the Garmin G3000 system. Both Mark and Max emphasize the importance of becoming proficient with “buttonology” through training tools, videos, and simulators. Mark also discusses the challenges of adjusting to turbofan operations, where fuel economy strategies differ significantly from piston-engine aircraft.

Inspiring Connections Along the Way
The podcast captures the human aspect of aviation as Mark recounts encounters with aviation enthusiasts, such as an 11-year-old boy at Madison, Wisconsin, who eagerly explored the Vision Jet. Similarly, at Santa Barbara, Mark and Max met a young FBO worker aspiring to become a pilot, reflecting the enthusiasm and connections aviation fosters.

Highlights from Specific Flights
One notable flight involved landing at Santa Barbara via a SoCal tech route that showcased the intricacies of Southern California airspace. Another leg involved flying to Santa Fe, navigating through turbulent conditions. Mark also describes challenging conditions at Dona Ana County Airport, where high winds and a dusty environment tested his spiral descent and go-around maneuvers.

Final Reflections
Mark concludes by sharing a recent trip with his wife to Southern California, where he applied his SOE training. He highlights the value of being adaptable when handling re-routes and level-off instructions. Mark’s advice for aspiring turboprop or jet pilots centers on the importance of familiarizing oneself with advanced avionics systems, emphasizing the transition as both demanding and rewarding.

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