315 Mastering Arrival Procedures: Common Issues and Best Practices for Instrument Pilots + GA News

Host Max Trescott delves into arrival procedures for instrument pilots, focusing on common issues and best practices. The host begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding and properly executing arrival procedures, which are often overlooked, especially for pilots not regularly flying into larger airports.

Arrival procedures, also known as Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs), facilitate the transition from enroute structure to the terminal area, streamlining air traffic flow and reducing congestion. These procedures guide pilots to specific fixes or navigational aids, ensuring a seamless lateral and vertical transition. While some STARs are requested via flight plans, controllers may assign them as needed.

The episode provides a detailed analysis of the Fernando 7 arrival at Van Nuys Airport, highlighting its unique characteristics and naming conventions. It explains how STARs typically consist of multiple parts, including branches, common waypoints, and splits leading to different runways. Understanding these components is crucial for pilots to navigate the arrival effectively.

Max also offers practical tips for pilots, such as properly loading arrival procedures into flight management systems (FMS), checking for discontinuities in flight plans, and adhering to published speed and altitude restrictions. It addresses common challenges, such as handling last-minute runway changes, interpreting ATC clearances, and ensuring accurate navigation between transitions and approaches.

He also emphasizes the importance of thorough pre-flight preparation, including studying STAR charts and anticipating potential deviations from assigned procedures. Pilots are reminded to communicate effectively with ATC regarding their capabilities and intentions, especially when unable to meet published restrictions.

Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and guidance for instrument pilots, helping them navigate arrival procedures with confidence and precision while minimizing errors and deviations.

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91 Lessons Learned in a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet flying STARs or IFR Arrival Procedures + General Aviation News

91 Lessons Learned in a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet flying STARs or IFR Arrival Procedures + GA News

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Flyings IFR STARS or Arrival Procedures
91 Max talks in detail about IFR Arrival Procedures, also called STARs. These are ATC-coded IFR route for IFR aircraft flying to a specific airport. There are different kinds of clearances you can get on an Arrival. If you’re cleared to “descend VIA” an Arrival, then you can descend at pilot discretion to reach all of the published altitudes for each fix.

Some key takeaways for pilots should be:
1. Read the Arrival charts ahead of time to find all altitude and speed restrictions.
2. Don’t descend automatically on an Arrival unless you been issued a Descend Via clearance by ATC.
3. If you’re not able to make a speed or altitude crossing restriction, notify ATC as soon as possible.
4. When loading an Arrival into your GPS, be aware that you may have to load a transition, even if you’re not flying on a transition, but have been cleared directly to the fix for which the Arrival procedure is named.
5. Use the FLC or IAS mode on the autopilot to meet speed restriction while descending.

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Mentioned in the Show
Aviation News Talk episode #66 on Departure Procedures

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