153 Normalization of Deviance and Red Bull Air Races – Interview with Mike Goulian

153 Normalization of Deviance and Red Bull Air Races – Interview with Mike Goulian

You can also view this interview with Mike Goulian on YouTube.

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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153 Aerobatic national champion and air show pilot Mike Goulian talks about how if a pilot or an organization gets away with deviant behavior, it becomes normalized. Mike shares observations on air show accidents, the changes brought about by the ICAS Safety Creed, and his own personal experience of being called out by an air show pilot for a subtle change Mike made in his air show performances.

Mentioned in the Show
Mike Goulian’s Book: Advanced Aerobatics
Mike Goulian’s Flight School
Mike Goulian’s Air Show Website
Mike Goulian’s YouTube channel

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

85 Private Pilot Secrets for Making Short-Field Landings, Red Bull Race Winner, Depression + General Aviation News

85 Private Pilot Secrets for Making Short-Field Landings, Red Bull Race Winner, Depression + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

Short Field Landings
85 Max talks in detail about what it takes to make a good short-field landing. Calculating an appropriate airspeed and selecting an aiming point are both critical Results from the 2018 Red Bull Air Race World Championship. A listener suffering from clinical depression and anxiety who is on two medications to combat these chemical imbalances asks about the process for getting an FAA medical.

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts in the Posts section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

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Please Take our 2018 Listener Survey. I’d love to get your feedback and ideas for improving this podcast.

Videos Mentioned in the Show:
DC-10 and 747 Supertankers Reloading to Fight California Fires
California Highway Patrol footage of Camp Fire

Mentioned in the Show
General Aviation Awards Program
Special Issuance Certification for Depression with Antidepressant usage
FAA On Landings – Part 1
FAA On Landings – Part 2
FAA On Landings – Part 3
Airplane Flying Handbook – Chpt 8 Approaches and Landings

Social Media
Follow Max on Instagram
Follow Max on Twitter

News Stories

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

79 AOPA Carbondale Interviews with Jack Pelton, Adrian Eichhorn, and Catherine Cavagnaro, Red Bull Update + GA News

79 AOPA Carbondale Interviews with Jack Pelton, Adrian Eichhorn, and Catherine Cavagnaro, Red Bull Update + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

AOPA Carbondale Fly-in Interviews
Max interviews a dozen pilots at the AOPA Carbondale, IL Regional Fly-in including EAA President Jack Pelton, round-the-world Bonanza pilot Adrian Eichhorn, and 2018 FAASTeam Rep of the Year Catherine Cavagnaro, who is an expert in spin training and writes for AOPA Pilot magazine.

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts  in the Blog section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Get the Free Aviation News Talk app for iOS or Android.

Mentioned in the Show
Cirrus Migration 16 Event – Las Vegas, October 11-14, 2018
Podcasting on a Plane Episode 31 with Max Trescott
AOPA Region Fly-In Gulf Shores, AL

Video of Helicopter Blades Snagging Rope During Rescue
AOPA ASI recreation: Houston Hobby SR20 Traffic Pattern Accident
AOPA ASI Recreation: SR22 in the pattern at Melbourne, FL
State Police Helicopter Buzzing Incident at Penn State
Coming Soon: Spin and Wake Turbulence videos by Catherine Cavagnaro

News Stories

Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

74 Red Bull Helicopter Aerobatics Air Show Performer – Aaron Fitzgerald Live Interview

74 Red Bull Helicopter Aerobatics Air Show Performer – Aaron Fitzgerald Live Interview

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance.

Max talks with Aaron Fitzgerald at AirVenture about how he got inspired as a child to fly helicopters, and how he came to fly aerobatics for the Red Bull Air Force. After serving as a paratrooper in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division he began flight training in 1994. Next he began flying news helicopters in Los Angeles. Today, he’s CEO of Airborne Images, and he has over 8,500 flight hours. He’s worked all over North America on over 100 film and television projects. He recently joined the Red Bull team flying aerobatics in a helicopter and his debut air show was earlier this week at AirVenture.

Question of the Month

Send us your audio recordings by August 12, 2018 answering this question: What did you learn after you got  your private pilot certificate that you wished you learned while working on your private certificate? Click here to record  your answer. 

If you love the show and want more, visit my Patreon page to see fun videos, breaking news, and other posts  in the Blog section. And if you decide to make a small donation each month,  you can get some goodies!

Check out our recommended ADS-B receivers, and order one for yourself. Yes, we’ll make a couple of dollars if you do. 

Check out our recommended Aviation Headsets, and order one for yourself!

Send us an email – http://www.sjflight.com/Forms/inquiry.htm

If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.