172 How to Choose an Instrument Approach, RH of Opposing Bases, Syringe Pilot Shares Details + GA News

172 How to Choose an Instrument Approach, RH of Opposing Bases, Syringe Pilot Shares Details + GA News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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172 Max talks about factors you should consider when choosing an instrument approach. Plus, we talk with Samy Kramer, the German pilot in the news for drawing a syringe. Air traffic controller RH of the Opposing Bases podcast answers listener questions.

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Mentioned in the Show
Samy Kramer’s Instagram
Max Trescott’s GPS and WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook
Opposing Bases podcast
Mayo Clinic Clear Approach Podcast: Diabetes

Videos Mentioned
Slow Speed Citation Crash

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118 Instrument Flying and IFR Listener Questions + General Aviation News

118 Instrument Flying and IFR Listener Questions + General Aviation News

Your Cirrus Specialist. Call me if you’re thinking of buying a new Cirrus SR20 or SR22. Call 1-650-967-2500 for Cirrus purchase and training assistance, or to take my online seminar: So You Want to Fly or Buy a Cirrus.

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If you have a question you’d like answered on the show, let listeners hear you ask the question, by recording your listener question using your phone.

118 GA news plus Max answers listeners questions on Instrument Flying and IFR including questions about how to save money on an instrument rating, using a simulator to get an instrument rating, when to switch from GPS to the Nav radio on localizer and VOR approaches, Legally using GPS on the entire VOR approach, whether to train in a round gauge airplane or a glass cockpit like in a Cirrus.

News Stories

Mentioned in the Show
How to Complete an ICAO Flight Plan
Summary of Sen. Inhofe’s Aviation bill
Silver Spitfire Around-the-World Flight Tracker
Max on Plane Talking UK #279 podcast
Icon A5 crash video
Icon A5 Wheeling, IL crash found by pinging cell phone
Icon Workforce Reduced by 40 Percent
NTSB: Pilot Error in Icon Crash in Wheeling, IL
Flying Companion Seminar by 99s in San Jose, CA
Airport Restaurants website

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So You Want To Learn to Fly or Buy a Cirrus seminars
Online Version of the Seminar Coming Soon – Register for Notification

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Max Trescott is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Instrument Pilot IFR Tips – Using GPS on a VOR or ILS approach, Foreflight + GA News

Last week we talked about briefing the approach and said one of the first things you should do is check to see whether GPS is in the title of the approach. For example, you might look to see whether the title is just VOR 21 approach or if it’s VOR 21 OR GPS. If it’s the latter, it’s obvious you can use GPS in lieu of a VOR signal for the entire approach. But what’s less clear is when you can use GPS for a portion of the approach if it says just VOR 21 and doesn’t have GPS in the title of the approach.

Although GPS receivers have been around for over 20 years, pilots are still unclear as to when they can use GPS on non-GPS approaches such as ILS and VOR approaches. As Max explains, the rules are different for VOR and ILS approaches. The regulatory basis can be found in FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-108, dated March 3, 2011, and in the AIM, the Aeronautical Information Manual, in section 1-2-3, sub-paragraphs c4 and c-5, updated May 26, 2016.

These tell us that for a VOR or NDB approach, you can now use GPS for the entire approach, even if GPS is not listed in the title of the approach. So in our example, if the title of the approach is VOR 21, and GPS is not in the title, you can still now use GPS for the entire approach, but with one caveat. The VOR or NDB signal MUST be in service, and you MUST monitor that signal for the final approach course.

But for an ILS or Localizer approach, as soon as you turn onto a localizer or ILS, you need to display course guidance from the Nav radio. On the Garmin 430/530, that means as soon as you turn onto the localizer, you must push the CDI button so VLOC is displayed. You can, if you wish, monitor RNAV (GPS) data as you fly along a localizer, but GPS cannot be used for primary guidance at any time while on a localizer.

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