Icon A-5 seaplane crash, Diamond DA42 trip report, Airline Pilot use of pitch and power to control airspeed+GA news – EP9

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News stories
Icon A-5 Crash
ForeFlight and Jeppesen collaboration
FAA Spending Bill Signed into Law
Pilots flock to BasicMed
Decline in number of ATPs issues
Court Orders Review of FAA Deal To Close Santa Monica Airport
FAA issues warning on using commercial checklists
First commercial two-seater solar plane flies
General aviation in China could amount to $40 billion
Skydiver in Denmark dangles from C182 for an hour


Fatal Cirrus SR22 crash, Inspecting a Cessna 182, Why new airplane owners crash +GA news – EP8

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Max interviewed on the Prebuy Guys podcast.

News stories
Former pilot headed to jail for 10 months for breaking a FAR

Doctor dies in Cirrus SR22 crash 22 days after buying airplane and Max discuss’s why pilots often crash soon after buying an airplane.

Planes of Fame Air Show will be held in spite of lawsuit.

Santa Monica identifies safety problems with shortening runway at KSMO.

New GPS approaches implemented for KSMO.

Banning, CA city council votes to close airport.

Cubcrafters now the most popular LSA aircraft.

Glasair Sportsman moving from kits to certificated aircraft.

Evolution Aircraft Expands Lineup

Planning a cross country flight from California to Texas in a Diamond DA42NG – EP7

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Max talks about the planning he’s doing now for a cross country trip from Palo Alto California to the Dallas, Texas area in a Diamond DA42NG. He looks at the weather forecast, the route, altitudes, and the many items that he’s bring along for the trip. Best of all, you can follow the trip by following N616SA in flightaware.com, if you’re listening to this episode on Friday, April 28.

Flying Cirrus SR22 & Diamonds, CFI Training, general aviation culture + GA News – EP6

Nailing airspeed in the Cirrus SR22, How do you become a CFI flight instructor, general aviation culture, feds raid flight school, air marshall leaves gun in Delta lavatory, & GA News.

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News stories

Listener question: How do you become a CFI?

Dispatcher Mike of the Flying and Life podcast discusses the airlines use of Part 135 charter aircraft.

Red Bull Winner, Pilot Arrested, Flying the Atlantic, Deadly Distractions +GA News – EP5

Aviation News Talk #1 in iTunes.

Aviation News Talk was #1 in the Aviation category of iTunes this week. Totally cool! Thanks for listening!

A Crash that sent pilot to closed runway prompts FAA changes. When pilot Joseph Milo reported engine trouble, an air traffic controller directed him to a nearby airfield. But the airfield had actually closed 25 years earlier, and industrial buildings occupied its former runway. Milo crashed a quarter-mile away and died. His death prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to update its procedures to include weekly accuracy checks of its radar video maps

The FAA has adopted a new airworthiness directive, effective Wednesday, in response to a report of an event aboard an American Champion Aircraft Corp. airplane. Specifically, a pilot reported dealing with a stuck aileron during a flight in his Super Decathlon (model no. 8KCAB), and while he was able to “un-stick” the aileron and land successfully, the subsequent examination of the aircraft uncovered a “cracked structure around several of the aileron hinges,” according to the AD.

Area Forecasts (FA) to be discontinued in October 2017.

AOPA Regional Fly-in at Camarillo, CA on April 28-29

EAA officials announced this week that the Founder’s Innovation Prize competition will continue through 2020, with five years’ worth of finalists eligible for a major grand prize. Each year’s competition welcomes ideas to counter loss of control accidents in amateur-built aircraft.

Five aircraft violated air restrictions during President Trump’s 4-day Easter weekend stay at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, the Federal Aviation Administration said Monday. If you’re keeping track there have been 13 weekends since the President was inaugurated on Friday, January 20. Seven of those weekends have been spent in Palm Beach. So pilots in Florida going to have to get used to the fact that it appears that on any given weekend, there’s a greater than 50% chance there will be a 30 NM TFR around Palm Beach. So far, those visits have averaged over 3 days per visit.

A Southwest Airlines pilot has been arrested on a weapons charge in New York after airport security officers found a loaded handgun in his carry-on bag. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple says 55-year-old Erik Gibson was slated to pilot a flight to Tampa, Florida, on Monday morning when TSA officers found the gun during routine screening.

Over the weekend a Cessna 208 lost power and landed in a field safely in Texas.

And there’s a winner…for the Red Bull races in San Diego last weekend. Japanese pilot Yoshi Muroya placed first.

Stemme AG, best known for its high-end motor gliders, the S10 and S12, has announced its merger with Remos AG, the German maker of the GX light sport aircraft.

Volocopter 2X. Photo by Ute Stumpf

More new models from Friedrichshafen, Germany show.
e-Volo shows 2X Volocopter on sale in 2018. The German company plans to certify the two-seat 2X under a new German Ultralight category being created for 2018 and offer the 2X for sale next year.


The first Public Showing Of The 11-seat Tecnam P2012 Traveller.

Australia International Airshow was held last month at the Avalon Airport Video from ThePlaneSpotterHD on Youtube. The boys for the Plane Crazy Down Under podcast released a new episode yesterday in which they did interviews at the Avalon Airport. So if you want to know more about the Avalon show, look for episode 130 of the Plane Crazy Down Under podcast.

FAA ATC Privatization Update. AP Story. NBAA story.

Deadly Cockpit Distractions. We talk about how to identify them when they occur, and what to do once you identify them.

United Airlines PR Disaster & FlyOtto’s Offer to UAL: Aircraft Charter Service – EP4

Interview with Rod Rakic, founder of FlyOtto.com, on a creative alternative to United’s current policy of bumping paying passengers to seat airline employees: On demand charter aircraft.
This week, United Airlines is in the news for the PR disaster they created on the ground at the Chicago O’Hare Airport when they dragged a passenger off a plane to make room for airline employees who need to get to Louisville to crew a flight the next today.
The passenger, Dr. David Dao, screamed as officers pulled him out of his seat. They slammed his face into the armrest and then dragged him, apparently unconscious, by his arms along the aircraft’s aisle. In the aftermath, FlyOtto, an on-demand air charter service, made an interesting offer to United Airlines.

Cirrus SR22 crash, Why Cessna 182s seem nose heavy, Red Bull Races + GA News – EP3

Delta aids downed SR22, Cessna 182s seem nose heavy but aren’t. Here’s why + how-to tips for landings that won’t crunch the nose gear. 182s and Bonanza hit by expensive service bulletin. Click here to send a Listener Question you’d like answered on the show. If you’re thinking of buying a new or late model Cirrus SR20 or SR22, please contact me as early in your decision making process as possible, so that I can provide you the most assistance.

Landing Technique in the Cessna 182

The Cessna 182 is an excellent aircraft, but it has one knock against it that’s undeserved. Many pilots say the Cessna 182 is “nose heavy,” making it difficult to land. I respectfully disagree. The Cessna 182 is not difficult to land, IF you know how to land it properly and remain proficient through practice. And while calling it “nose heavy,” seems to match what pilots experience when landing the aircraft, an aeronautical engineer would blanch at that description. The C182 balances at its center of gravity like any other aircraft; the front end is NOT heavier than the back end.

It is true that nose wheel damage and bent firewalls are common for 182s that have spent their lives as rental aircraft. So yes, it’s easier to make a bad landing in a 182 than in a 172. And those bad landings often involve the nose wheel hitting the runway before the main wheels touch down. If you want to know three simple steps for better C182 landings, skip to the end of this article. If you want to know why those steps work so well, listen to this episode!

General Aviation News

  1. Two people on board a plane that crashed into the side of a mountain at Olympic National Park in Washington state on Sunday evening have survived after making a distress call picked up by a nearby Delta Air Lines flight.
  2. A new Service Bulletin from Continental Motors is going to cost some Cessna 182 and Beech Bonanza owners may have to shell out big bucks in the next hundred hours because of an engine service bulletin.
  3. The Red Bull Air Race World Championship makes a welcome return to San Diego on the 15-16 April 2017.
  4. Diamond Aircraft launched three new diesel-powered singles at Aero Friedrichshafen. They are the four-place DA50-IV, five-place DA50-V and seven-place DA50-VII with 230-, 260- and 360-horsepower Safran/SMA diesels. The -VII will also be available with a 375-horsepower Lycoming gas engine or a Ukranian turboprop. The DA-50-V was on display at the show and is shown below; click for full size images.
    DA-50-V. Photo by Ute Stumpf

    Diamond DA-50 Interior. Photo by Ute Stumpf
  5. Airbus has abandoned its plan to produce the electric E-Fan two-seater as a ready-for-sale training aircraft. Instead they will build a 2 mega watts demonstrator that will be a prototype for an electric powered airliner.
  6. Electric-powered aircraft will gather for a fly-in at the Grenchen airport in Switzerland, Sept. 9-10, the first event of its kind in Europe.
  7. Walter Extra has further cemented his status as a legendary figure in aviation, setting a new world electric airplane speed record in March to go with the electric time-to-climb mark he set in November.
  8. The STC Group has received an STC for the installation kit for the non-TSO’d Trio Pro Pilot digital autopilot into dozens of models of Cessna 172s and 182s, with more to follow soon.
  9. Avidyne expects to have a wireless hotspot of some kind certified by 2018.
  10. Owners of U.S.-registered, fixed-wing, single-engine piston aircraft that are not currently equipped with Version 2 of ADS-B Out are eligible for a $500 rebate Rebates are still available and they are being issued on a first-come, first-served basis until 20,000 are claimed or until the end of the one-year program, whichever comes first. Eligible aircraft owners can reserve a rebate until Sept. 18, 2017, the program’s last day to accept reservations, if any are still available.
  11. Flight Design has announced a new LSA model, the KLA-100, a two-seat training aircraft.
  12. A new company announced plans to build a Finnish LSA amphib in Maine. The Atol Avion will be built at Brunswick Landing, the former NAS Brunswick.
  13. Mark and Conrad Huffstutler are the new owners of the Lancair. They plan to support the models from the 320 on up, and will eventually be putting effort into the new Mako – a four seat, fixed-main-gear aircraft with a retracting nose gear.
  14. Lancair Owners & Builders Association is having a gathering in Sante Fe, NM, August 31-September 3.
  15. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) and Sen. James Inhofe sent a letter requests the FAA include funding to provide air traffic and safety services at major aviation events, like EAA AirVenture, in its budget for the next year.

2017 Cirrus SR22 G6 Review + GA News – EP 2

Podcast Show Notes – Ep 2
After the News, I give my review of my flight in a 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6, which uses the Perspective+ glass cockpit. Here’s a list of some features from that review. For full details, or if you’re trying to decide between buying a new or used Cirrus, contact me and I can give you some guidance on the tradeoffs. For anyone interested in eventually buying the SF50 Cirrus jet, you may want to start your training in a 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6, since it has virtually the same cockpit!

Most of the features differences I discuss about the 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6 are related to differences between the Perspective and Perspective+
avionics. But there are some external differences. For example,
the Cirrus
has keyless entry, so you can unlock it with a key fob. When you do, the new light tubes which wrap around the length of the wing tips illuminate. The lights stay on until you climb above 300 feet, when they switch to a pulsating “wig-wag” functionality, which greatly enhances the plane’s visibility to other pilots.

Some of the 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6 features you’ll find inside include:

  • Cell phone storage pocket on front of pilot seat.
  • Optional automatic yaw damper turns on at 200 feet and off at 300 feet
  • Weight & Balance page lets you enter weights, fuel, TKS, baggage, & plots position on graph.
  • QWERTY keyboard makes it easier to enter flight planes
  • At shutdown, flight plan saved and transponder set to 1200
  • Can load a Visual Approach to any runway using the PROC key
    • Choice of Straight in, which takes you to a 5.1 mile final
    • Or Vectors, which provides a curved path to a 1.4 mile final
    • Visual approach also calculates a descent profile to fly
  • Option to display sectionals, IFR high, or IFR low en route charts on MFD
  • You can transfer flight plans between the airplane and an iPad or smartphone
  • On Traffic Page, turn knob to sequentially view info for each aircraft

Some of the new 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6 features on the PFD include:

  • Can displays maps in HSI on PFD
  • Coms – displays name of facility you’re talking to
  • Aircraft Callsign displayed on PFD near Coms
  • SurfaceWatch displays description of where you are located on ground
  • Groundspeed displayed next to TAS at bottom of Airspeed tapeCirrus says the Perspective+ has ten (10x) times faster processing speed than prior Cirrus Perspective® avionics. I found no delays in using the displays.

If you’re interested in the new 2017 SR20, it has a power upgrade to a Lycoming IO-390 engine with 215hp! And it comes with a useful load increase up to 150lbs more. It also has the same wingtip lights and Perspective+ found in the 2017 Cirrus SR22 G6.

General Aviation News

  1. ForeFlight Glide Advisor™️ helps you to quickly assess your landing options in case you ever lose engine power in flight. Using terrain, GPS data, and your aircraft’s best glide speed and ratio, ForeFlight shapes a glide range ring around your own ship icon on the moving map display.
  2. When Garmin released its NXi upgrade of the G1000 integrated flight deck in January, it also announced the new visual approach feature, and that has now been added to the GTN 650/750 touchscreen GPS/com/navigators. The visual approach guidance feature adds a new visual approach in the procedure menu, and it provides advisory vertical guidance “based on a published glide path angle or a three-degree glideslope from the threshold of the runway, while considering terrain and obstacle clearance,” according to Garmin. The procedure is designed to help pilots fly a stabilized approach. If the pilot hasn’t already selected the visual approach when nearing a destination airport with a flight plan loaded, the GTN automatically provides a short cut to load and activate the visual approach when the aircraft is within five miles of the airport.
  3. The Garmin G5 is a low cost, drop in replacement for attitude indicator and/or a directional gyro. It will be soon be available for certificated aircraft. The TruTrak autopilot will also soon be available for certificated aircraft. Aspen Avionics is offering a $1000 discount in April only on the VFR version of their PFD.
  4. UAvionics, introduced four new ADS-B products. And there’s a new dual band ADS-B receiver from Dynon for LSA and experimental aircraft.
  5. In LSA news, the Viper SD-4 light sport aircraft was introduced at Sun n Fun. Belite introduces the low cost Chipper kit aircraft.
  6. In Privatization news, American Airlines CEO Doug Baker argues that airline trips have increased a half hour since 1979 and it attributes that to ATC delays. Max Trescott puts that myth to rest; in 1979, the airlines were flying 727s and 747s that were faster than any of today airliners. Also, airlines weren’t padding their schedules so that they could improve their on-time performance reports now compiled by the Commerce Department. Also, members of the Trump administration are visiting Canada this week to see their privatized ATC system.
  7. In International news, the new electric Volta helicopter will give a demonstration flight at AERO 2017 in Friendrichshafhaven, Germany. It recently hovered for 15 minutes. And REMOS AG, has delivered the first production line copy of a GXiS that conforms to German Ultralight standards. The aircraft, registered as D-MIDA, expands the fleet of a flight school operation known as UTC, based in Schoenberg (EDPK), Bavaria.
  8. Once again, a California flight school, this time in Fresno, is closing its doors, and foreign students from Taiwan and other countries, who’ve paid as much as $58,000 to attend, may be out their money. NEVER pay a flight school more than 10-20% in advance, even if they offer you a discount.
  9. Drunk pilots in the news. A drunk pilot headed to San Diego overflew his destination by 70 miles and landed his Cherokee in a parking lot. And an airline pilot who passed out in the cockpit of an airline in Canada is sentenced to 8 months in prison.
  10. Harrison Ford has his day in court. After remedial flight training, his incident in which he landed on a taxiway at the John Wayne Airport is now behind him.

Listener Question

An air traffic controller asks “Is LPV the most accurate and is it considered a precision approach. Do you prefer ILS or RNAV?” Max tells him the LPV is the low minimums to which you can fly an RNAV (GPS) approach, and while it’s almost exactly like a precision approach, it doesn’t meet the international definition for a precision approach. Max prefers the to fly an LPV approach, though flying an ILS is easier for pilots who aren’t expert at using their GPSs!

How to fly a GPS Approach using an Autopilot + GA News – EP 1

Podcast Show Notes – Ep 1
How do you fly a GPS Approach with an advisory glide path, such as an LNAV+V or a LP+V using an autopilot? APR, or Approach mode works great with an LPV approach, but it won’t level off the aircraft when flying a non-precision approach. After the news, we answer a listener question about a WAAS GPS instrument approach with LP approach minimums. He was flying the RNAV (GPS) X Runway 31 approach into Hailey, Idaho. He said, “on final, I hit APR on my S-TEC 2100 and yes, it captured ‘the glide slope,’ I put GS in parenthesis because it’s a non-precision approach, so technically there is no GS, but yes, the S-Tec capture it. Ok, here is the rub: I’m descending down and sure enough, the autopilot takes me BELOW 6180’ MSL, the MDA for this approach. And yes, it’s snowing and full disclosure, I can’t see the runway environment but it does pop into view at about 6000’MSL (roughly 750’ AGL). My bad. My fault.

“So here is the mistake I think I made: 1. I should NOT have hit the APR button on the S-TEC 2100. It captured the GPS GS, when in truth, there is none on an LP approach. And it lulled me into thinking I was safely on a GS. Is this correct? 2. In other words, I turned a non-precision approach into a precision approach when it does not exist. I should have NOT hit the APR button. 3. Having hit the APR button, I noticed on the S-TEC, that any ALTITUDE numbers were erased. Second question: could I have hit the ALT button when I noticed I had slightly descended below the MDA of 6180? Would that have stopped my decent?

“Lastly, when I got home I researched LP approaches AND looked at both the JEPP chart of the RNV (GPS) X 31 and the Government Charts. Interestingly, the JEPP charts shows a dotted line of the what I will call, “GS guidance,” and it shows a dotted line BELOW the MDA. The Government chart does not. I’m not looking for excuses, but it seems to me the JEPP chart in this case, almost encourages you to get on the GS, rather than ‘dive and drive.’ ”

My response, in part, to his question includes: You fell into one of the WAAS traps that I’ve discussed with others, but I haven’t seen documented anywhere. The issue is that the APR key of most autopilots will couple to any glide slope (ILS) that’s present, or any glide path (for GPS) that the GPS manufacturer has included in their database for a particular approach. This works great for ILS and LPV, where you have a DA and can descend below minimums while making your decision to land or go around. It works poorly for any LNAV+V, or in your case, LP+V advisory glide path. With the advisory +V glide paths, autopilots don’t know to level off at the MDA for these approach types, and they continue through minimums as if these approaches have DAs, which they don’t. So you should monitor the approach and plan to push the autopilot’s autopilot just before you reach the MDA, so that you don’t descend below the approach minimums. For this and more about GPS approaches, I recommend my Max Trescott’s GPS & WAAS Instrument Flying Handbook.

General Aviation Flying Tips
We share some thoughts about how to avoid fuel exhaustion (running out of gas) and fuel starvation (gas not making it to the engine) type accidents. It’s important to know before you depart how much fuel you have using more than one source of information. For example, you should ALWAYS visually inspect the fuel in the tanks. In addition, you could look at fuel gauges, see how many gallons were added if you’re present during refueling, or if it’s a rental aircraft, see how long the plane was flown on previous flight.

If you use a fuel stick, may sure you put it straight down into the tank, and not at an angle. For some planes like the Cessna 210, the fueler has to put the last few gallons in slowly, otherwise the tanks won’t be completely filled.

Some things that could happen in the air which might lead to fuel starvation include: Faulty gauges, Plugged fuel vents, Gas cap comes off in flight, Blocked fuel filter, Ice in fuel lines, Vapor lock, Failed fuel pump, or Failure to lean, which uses more fuel.

Some pilots like to run a tank dry in flight. I don’t, as sometimes the aircraft won’t start immediately after you switch tanks. Therefore, if you do plan to run a tank dry, switch it at altitude; don’t wait to switch until your low in the pattern, where if the tank runs dry you might not have time to restart the engine. Cessna started installing “LOW FUEL” annunciator lights in their C172s, 182s, and 206s beginning in 1997. The annunciator turns on whenever there is less than 5 gallons in a tank in a C172. At one point Cessna claimed that they have had no fuel incidents since these fuel annunciator were added.

In older Cirrus, the fuel annunciator sensors in the tanks are connected in series. For example, in older SR20s, the sensor doesn’t come on until the fuel quantity in both tanks drops below approximately 8.5 gallons (17 gallons total with tanks balanced in level flight). Since both tanks must be below 8.5 gallons to illuminate the light, it might not illuminate until there is as little as 8.5 gallons total on board, if one tank was allowed to run dry.

General Aviation News

  1. NATCA, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association honored controllers at the 13th Annual Archie League Medal of Safety Awards banquet in Las Vegas. The awards are named for Archie League, who was the first air traffic controller. We play the ATC audio from an accident involving a Piper Aztec. According to an NTSB report, on March 27, 2016, the aircraft departed Charlestown, SC for Baltimore. The pilot stated that the flight departed with 5 hours of fuel onboard for the estimated two and a half hour flight. After about one hour the pilot reported to air traffic control that he had lost his directional gyro and attitude indicator. While diverting to Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport (ROA), Roanoke, Virginia, the right engine abruptly lost power. After switching fuel tanks, power was briefly restored to the right engine, followed by an abrupt loss of power in both engines. Our next story comes from the Wichita Eagle with the headline “FAA forecasts decline of 17,500 piston airplanes” “The FAA’s 20-year forecast expects the general aviation fleet to increase from 209,905 airplanes and helicopters in 2016 to 213,420 in 2037, a weak 0.1 percent annual increase. During that period, turbine aircraft – business jets and turboprops – are expected to grow at an annual clip of nearly 2 percent a year. Offsetting turbine growth (and helicopters’ annual growth rate of 1.6 percent) are piston airplanes. The piston airplane fleet is expected to shrink 0.8 percent annually, the FAA forecast said, or by 17,500 aircraft over the next two decades. The FAA uses input for its forecast from sources including its 2014 General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey, as well as discussions with industry experts.
  2. Earlier this month, investigators were confused by the crash of a Cessna in the woods earlier this month just before midnight near Manitouwadge, Canada, which is just north of Lake Superior. At the crash site, they found the Cockpit was empty and there were no footprints in snow around the wreckage. Earlier in the day, the Cessna 172 had been rented by a 27-year old experienced pilot who was also a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan. He was from, China, studied artificial intelligence at the university’s School of Information, and hoped to one day work in aviation safety. Police believe he committed suicide by jumping from the plan in mid-flight.
  3.  In an ironic twist, officials at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport are now using drones to inspect runways and document pavement issues for future maintenance. Traditionally, the FAA works hard to keep drones away from airports. The FAA granted a waiver to the airport and a surveying contractor to allow drones to be flown in the restricted airspace of the airport. The aircraft will be used to make accurate surveys of areas of the airport that are slated for changes in the $6 billion ATLNext construction project,
  4. AvWeb reports “Boom Technology Raises Additional Capital To Support Supersonic Demonstrator” Boom Technology, which is developing a supersonic airliner has raised an additional $33 million to fund development of its one-third-scale demonstration aircraft. Boom CEO and founder Blake Scholl says “our mission is to make supersonic flight a reality,” and expects to see the XB-1 fly in 2018. If successful, Boom says the XB-1 will be the first independently developed and privately funded supersonic jet. The company indicates the final production aircraft will be capable of carrying passengers at costs comparable to business-class on modern wide-body jets.
  5. EAA Announces VMC Club First there were IMC Clubs, now EAA introduces VMC Clubs for non-instrument rated pilots who want to improve their proficiency. The VMC Club is modeled after the popular IMC Club concept, which provides organized “hangar flying” focused on building proficiency in instrument flying. The VMC Club will do the same, but for pilots who are not instrument rated and fly primarily under visual flight rules and under VMC. The VMC Club offers monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experience.
  6. Earlier in the year, Harrison Ford mistakenly landed on a taxiway at John Wayne Airport, after being cleared to land on a runway. TMZ released the audio from his phone call to the tower immediately afterwards. He starts off by saying “I’m the Schmuck who just landed on a taxiway.” We disagree. Everyone makes mistakes, and he owned up to his. A Schmuck would have said, “it wasn’t my fault, and nobody got hurt so what’s the big deal?” Hopefully, all pilots, including Harrison Ford, learn from their mistakes and avoid making any of the fatal ones!